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Too Mad to be True III - The Paradoxes of Madness

October 30-31, 2024, Ghent (Belgium)  + online

On October 30 and 31, 2024 we held the third edition of Too Mad to be True in Ghent at the Dr. Guislain Museum, titled The Paradoxes of Madness. With over 150 visitors, on-site and online, the conference was a great success.

Madness - or psychosis as it is often called – is replete with problems, aporias or contradictions that can be subsumed under the term paradoxes. Such paradoxes appear under various guises and modalities, nested within concepts like language and experience, expression and observation, thought and perception, action and passivity. These oppositions may shift places, or may be seen to paradoxically co-exist in (mad) experience: mad reality can appear as flimsy, insubstantial and strangely unreal, yet also as more intensely real, coherent and meaningful than anything ever experienced; the boundaries of mad subjectivity can take on cosmic proportions, yet private thoughts and feelings may seem under alien control. Understanding mad experience seems to require a philosophical sensitivity and openness to the possibility of contradiction and paradox, whether as features of madness, or perhaps as cracks and fissures running through ordinary subjectivity and reality.

Josh Richardson, registered psychotherapist practicing in Canada (Ontario), wrote an extensive review sharing his highlights from the conference, see here.


We have put together a diverse two-day program featuring five engaging keynote speakers (see below) and approximately 60 speakers who gave very different presentations and perspectives. You can find the full program here.                                

All speakers, abstracts and bio's 
In this document you find all abstracts, all speakers, and their short bio's.

Jasper Feyaerts (Ghent University), Bart Marius (director of museum dr. Guislain in Ghent) and Wouter Kusters (Foundation for Psychiatry & Philosophy, e-mail

All presentations

Below are links to presentations made at the conference. In the near future we will put more video's online of the various speakers who gave their permission. One password to watch all available videos is on request, please e-mail

Welcome & Introduction

Jasper Feyaerts and Bart Marius

Wouter Kusters: Madness with reason. Power, experience and the paradox

Keynote speakers

Lorna Collins (artist, filmmaker, writer and researcher in creative health, based in South-East England) - Being psychotic: madness as vulnerability, creativity and power

Natalie Depraz (professor at the University of Rouen Normandy and an academic member of the Husserl Archives at the École normale supérieure) - A tentative microphenomenology of some schizophrenic disorders. The account of a psychiatrist

Sofia Jeppsson (associate professor of philosophy at Umeå University in northern Sweden) - Sane fears and paradoxical madness

Mark Losoncz (researcher at the University of Belgrade) - Tender subversion, or how to believe beyond paradoxes?

Alan Ralston (Ph.D, psychiatrist High Intensive Care Parnassia North-Holland, the Netherlands. Chair of the Foundation for Psychiatry and Philosophy in the Netherlands) - Hunting the Snark: understanding the unknowable

Other speakers (in alphabetical order by last name)

Rosie AlexanderInvitation to bridge the paradoxical gap

Sarah Bogle - How the use of psychiatric medication impacts belonging: medication-mediated, altered ways of relating 
Elke Van Buggenhout, Bert van den Bergh and Adriaan Severins -  Rythmizomenon: Live music performance and interview 
Marc Calmeyn and Nev Jones - The phenomenological paradoxes of DSM-5
Sidney Carls-Diamante - Suicidality: Paradoxes of self-destruction and self-preservation
Max Casey - ‘Indestructible life’: Madness, Self-harm and Drive in In My Skin 
Robert Chapman - Mad Pride and Revolutionary England: The Case of the Ranters
Willem Daub - Strata in thinking
Cynthia Dorrestijn - Smell and Psychosis
Angelos Evangelou - From ‘Madness’ to ‘Mental Illness’ to ‘Madness’: Or, the Paradox of the Return of Madness in the Age of Medical Science 
Istvan Fazakas, Cassandre Bois, Tudi Gozé, Thelke Scholz and Samuel Thoma - Panel: Self in Recovery : a phenomenological journey in schizophrenic experiences
Andrew Field - Presenting five cartoons from a short unpublished book called Schizology
Elżbieta Filipow - Madness, despair, and the paradox of freedom
Dominika Glogowski and Sidney Carls-Diamante - Two Episodes of Lithium: Conversations on Energy, Speculation, and the Future
Sonia de Jager and Shanna Dobson - Phenomenology of sick spirit - p-Adic Hyperphantasia
Anna Kint and Niel Van Cleynenbreugel - Presentation Coconuts Magazine
Matko Krce-Ivančić - Eternal Sunshine of the Academic Mind
Ananda Krishnan - Paradoxical Attitudes Toward Mental Health Problems in India
Fabian Lo Monte - Depression and paradoxes
Kathleen Lowenstein - Thinking Terminality: Palliative Care for Anorexia and Framing of Autonomy
Miguel Núñez de Prado Gordillo, Virginia Ballesteros and Victor Fernández Castro - It doesn't feel like myself: a mindshaping view on self-illness ambiguity
Marcia van Oploo - Mind in Spacetime
Beatrice Salamena - Performing madness
Arthur Sollie - Paradoxes in the real
Alke Wisselink - Con (tra) tact: being in and out of touch in / with psychosis
Pawel Zagozdzon - Harmful dysfunction of some religious beliefs

Background: The Paradoxes of Madness

Madness - or psychosis as it is often called – is replete with problems, obstacles, aporias or contradictions that can be subsumed under the term paradoxes. Such paradoxes appear under various guises and modalities, nested within concepts like language and experience, expression and observation, thought and perception, action and passivity, objectivity and subjectivity. These conceptual oppositions may regularly shift places, or may even be seen to paradoxically co-exist in mad experience: delusions may be upheld with unsurpassable certainty, yet may also seem irrelevant for conducting everyday life; mad reality can appear as flimsy, insubstantial and strangely unreal, yet also as more intensely real, coherent and meaningful than anything ever experienced; the boundaries of mad subjectivity can take on cosmic proportions, encompassing the whole of the universe, yet private thoughts and feelings may seem infinitely far way and under alien control. As such, understanding mad experience seems to require a philosophical sensitivity and openness to the possibility of contradiction and paradox, whether as features that are distinctive to madness, or perhaps as cracks and fissures running through ordinary subjectivity and reality.

In the next 2024 edition of the Too Mad to be True conference, we aim to invite papers and contributions that explore the notion of contradiction and paradox in madness, philosophy and related fields. The following (non-exhaustive) subthemes may be addressed and discussed:

Act and/or affliction: madness is sometimes portrayed as an affliction passively suffered by individuals, yet it may also have—a less emphasized—intentional quality, more or less actively ‘willed’, brought about, and (to some extent) under self-conscious control. Reconciling, or at least acknowledging, these contradictory aspects of act/affliction might be crucial for advancing contemporary understandings of the development and recovery of/from madness.


Freedom and/or necessity: In first person accounts of madness, as well as in psychopathological theories, implicit or explicit notions of freedom versus restriction/determinism are often applied. Some accounts describe madness as a form of transgression, involving boundless human desire and extreme inner freedom. In others, madness is described as something which severely restricts subjective autonomy and freedom, determined by compulsive thoughts, voices and visions.


Self and/or non-self: alterations of selfhood are recognized as crucial features of madness. Some forms of self-experience—e.g., in so-called first-rank symptoms—seem to entail diminshed forms of selfhood, whereas others—e.g., subjectivism, quasi-solipsism, ontological paranoia—seem characterized by an excessive or exaggerated sense of self. In some forms of mad experience, these contradictory and antithetical aspects of self can even combine and co-exist. How can these complex forms of selfhood be understood? And what are their critical implications for contemporary models of so-called minimal self-disorders?


Pride and/or problems: In much modern discourse on psychosis, care and treatment, it is acknowledged that in addition to all negative aspects of psychosis as a mental disorder, there is at least a sense of making strength out of weaknesses, or conceiving a crisis as an opportunity for change. To what extent can madness be considered as something to be proud of (mad pride), something as an extra (psychological) power, and how can both its problematic and its pride aspects be accounted for?


Person and/or system: When we take care of each other, do we act within systemic frameworks, acknowledging theory and institutional responsibilities? Or should care take place on a person-to-person base? How can balances be found between empathic, engaged and personal involvements on the one hand, and professional considerations that take place within a broader social and economic field on the other hand?


Universal and/or aberration: In some theories (e.g., in psychoanalysis), psychosis is approached as an essential trait, common to all human subjectivity, but perhaps varying in the extent to which it becomes manifest. In others, psychosis is identified as something wholly distinct from normality, ascribed to only some individuals and/or occurring at particular moments in time. While the former view might struggle to clarify differences between mad and ordinary subjectivity, the latter might cover over forms of madness already present in everyday experience. How do these oppositions of the universal and the particular play out in theoretical approaches of madness? Is there a way to reconcile them, or should we privilege one over the other?


Literal and/or figurative: How should psychotic language be understood? Is it to be interpreted and translated as a form of metaphorical, figurative, or poetic expression? Or should some statements better be taken at face value, as ordinary descriptive and empirical statements? What contexts of reference and which linguistic approaches can be of relevance in clarifying differences between psychotic and non-psychotic language?


The nature of paradox: What is the philosophical and/or ontological status of paradox? Does it describe a mere figure of thought, a telling sign of confusion, symptomatic of the troubled philosophical or mad mind? Or do paradoxes actually exist in the reality? If so, are all paradoxes formally equal, or should we distinguish between different kinds of paradox (e.g., Zeno’s, McTaggart or Russell’s paradoxes)?  And if so, are they perhaps related to different kinds of madness?


In 2021 we held the first Too Mad to be True conference in Ghent, with as general theme Philosophies of Madness. In 2023 the second TMTBT conference took place which focused on the Promises and Perils of the First Person Perspective

Mad caveat
Although madness on this conference is mainly considered on a philosophical and psychopathological level, we cannot forget about madness, on a global, societal level. In the context of global warming and ecological destruction  we therefore asked all conference participants to be aware of their CO2 emissions and reduce them as much as possible while traveling to and from the conference.

Advisory board

Alastair Morgan (Senior Lecturer Mental Health/ Critical Theorist at the University of Manchester, UK).

Angela Woods (Professor of Medical Humanities at the Durham University, UK).

Clara Humpston (Lecturer in Mental Health at the Department of Psychology at the University of York, UK).

Louis Sass (Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology at Rutgers University, US).

Stijn Vanheule (Professor of Psychoanalysis and Clinical psychological Assessment at Ghent University).